Thursday, 10 September 2015

We mostly connect our Android device to our computers with a USB cable for debugging purposes. It is possible to use adb over a wifi connection.

Step 1:
Make sure both your adb host computer and Android device are on the same Wifi network.
Wifi Network

Step 2:
Connect the device to the host computer with a USB cable.

Step 3:
Set the target device to listen for a TCP/IP connection on port 5555.
Restart adb in tcpip mode with this command:
 - $ adb tcpip 5555
 - restarting in TCP mode port: 5555

Step 4:
Disconnect the USB cable from the target device.

Step 5:
Find the IP address of the Android device.

Step 6:
Connect to the device, identifying it by IP address.
 - adb connect <Your device ip address>

$ adb connect
-connected to

Create Wifi Network

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